Wednesday, May 4, 2011

GroomME: Your Mr. Right Can't Dance

Chelsie made one of the best decisions in her life 12 years ago.  "My girlfriend invited me to her company Christmas party and I initially decided to decline."

She continued, "While there, God focused my attention on this really sweet looking guy who seemed shy and nervous.  He didn't seem to be with anyone so I mosied over and asked him to dance."

"He turned me down but invited me to sit and talk. Twelve years and 2 children later I've found my soul mate.  Mark's the best husband a girl could have." 

Mark said, "I really don't dance because I had been hurt in a previous relationship. I was jilted at my engagement party and never recovered.  Chelsie didn't judge me.  She accepted me where I was and did not pull me onto the dance floor like many women would have done."

Tip:  Men deserve to be handled with the same sensitivities women do.  Guess what:  we hurt and bleed like everyone else.  The trauma of an embarassing experience, the death of a relationship or an inability to dance or play sports can provide you with an opportunity to find true love.  Show your compassionate side -- you may find Mr. Right.

Let Us Pray:  Lord please open my eyes to see as you see.  Give me a spirit of compassion and understanding as you prepare to meet my future husband.

In Jesus' name.


Monday, May 2, 2011

GroomME -- Your Mr. Right May Not Live Next Door!

Sulia took a vacation to China last year.  Although this may seem extravagant to some, Sulia sees a pilgramage of this sort a necessity for her to recharge her batteries once a year.  "I am almost 40," she says.
"If I sit around waiting for a mate, I may never go anywhere."

This is where I disagree.  Vacation or travel time should not suspend your search for Mr. Right.  You should always be looking.  The man for you may live in Florida or Fijii.  Oftentimes women have an ethnocentric attitude reflecting the belief that there is no man worldly enough to satisfy them.  I personally know countless guys who travel all over the world; speak several languages; own land in other countries and eat everything from tabouli to kangaroo.

Before you make plans for an expensive getaway, do three things to increase your chances in finding Mr. Right:

1.  Seek out male expertise during the planning process.  New friendships are always important.
2.  Seek out Christian communities that offer networking services for mission and non mission travelers.
3.  Be conscientious about meeting men who are adventurous, like you.

I learned of an advertising executive who was looking for a muscle car manufactured in the 1960's.  No problem right?  Only thing is, the car had to be pink.

He found the car after searching the Internet for weeks and speaking with car enthusiasts around the globe.  Think how much richer life was after getting to know these new people who crossed his path.  Searching for your Mr. Right may be like looking for a pink G.T.O.  During the hunt you may find, blue ones; red ones; green ones;  etc.  Does it matter as long as you are enjoying the ride?

God's canvas is not limited to Atlanta, or New York or Maui.  Think internationally, network globally.  Dare to meet the nephew of the little old lady who happens to have grown up in Japan and has family there.

Mr. Right is not going to arbitrarily knock on your door.  Nor will he crack the shell of your comfortably decorated coccoon.  Meeting new  people in Christ is never a bad thing.  Your Mr. Right may be on your next flight.

Let Us PrayLord, even when I travel and enjoy your creation I am lonely and seek a mate.  Please give me the courage to meet new people, expand my horizons and experience the family you have waiting for me. In Jesus' name.  Amen.
When planning your next trip, connect with faith communities in advance of your arrival.  Offer to volunteer, even for a day, during your time in a foreign land.  You may meet the right man for you.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

GroomME Monday -- To Get a Husband, Carry Yourself Like You're Already Married

A number of women have commented to me that they have worn fake wedding or engagement rings to deter guys from hitting on them. Some of you are probably thinking Great Problem To Have Huh?  What these women realize is the importance of quality over quantity.  Men of substance typically don't go after women blindly.  They discretely check with a qualified network of friends and associates before making a move.  You may never know they are checking you out.  But rest assure that you are being judged by the comapny you keep; the girlfriends you hang out with; the men you've dated before and how you handle your social life with discretion.  So instead of wearing a disguise, focus on preparing yourself to welcome legitimate inquiries.  It's like your personal open house:  the smell of cookies in the oven makes a favorable impression.  Watch how successfully married women carry themselves.  Aspire to model yourself like them.

That's why some women are fortunate to have married successive husbands.  A widow, or divorcee can be attractive to many Mr. Rights.  If a woman has well-behaved, achieving kids; she responsibly handles her household and sincerely welcomes his interest in her -- she may be perceived as being more stable, family-oriented and economically sound.  Mr. Rights typically do not need to have biological children; they are more than happy helping to raise someone else's.  They are looking at a shorter window before stepchildren leave the home, and women who have been married are not overly concerned with superficial concerns.  Also, they do not come into the relationship ready to get pregnant immediately following marriage.  This can be a pressure cooker for any man to handle.   

So instead of trying to be unique and stand out as a high-maintenance diva, look at women who work hard at being successful mothers and/or act responsibly.

Let us Pray:  Lord please search my heart and prepare me to receive the mate you have for my life.  Please show me what I need to change in myself and give me the courage to step out on faith to make your plan complete.  In Jesus' name. 

TIP:  Purchase an inexpensive candy dish for your desk at the office and fill it with beef jerky, licorice or unsalted almonds.  Men will find your desk a place of refuge because your snacks will not compromise their ability to stay slim and trim.  This will also let them know how much you value fitness.   

God Bless

About Me

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Atlanta, Georgia
A former Marriage Coach, Author, Corporate Executive and Entrepreneur, Darby Thornton expouses his Christian-based philosophies to educate women on how to find true love. As a faithful husband of nearly 20 years, Darby rebukes the myth that there are not enough good men for women to marry. Feel free to review his latest book, "What A Fool Belives" and explore a comical look at the painful reality of love, betrayal, and redemption. "What A Fool Believes" can be purchased on Amazon eBooks and downloaded in an instant. Any insights you are willing to share are greatly appreciated. Also, feel free to also submit any questions that may assist you in finding true love.
