Saturday, April 30, 2011


Finding a husband is an art form.  And Sunday is the best day of the week to catch the attention of your Mr. Right.  There are two reasons for this:  First, you are typically looking your best to catch his eye and secondly, he is in the frame of mind to be most charitable with his time. 

Men of substance are yearning for family and connection on Sunday.   Eating alone, sitting in church by himself and interacting with married men they admire in church can be very intimidating. 

Think about it, for a man of substance, he can’t show up at church with a different woman every Sunday – it paints a very negative image.  Oftentimes, in lieu of attending the service itself, men will opt to be ushers or attendants to avoid sitting alone.  Remember in my novel: “What A Fool Believes” how uncomfortable Sean was while waiting in the sanctuary for Chaunte’?  Take note, you have an advantage and can easily make him feel welcome.

Following are tips you can use to catch his eye:

  1. Introduce yourself and compliment him on his commitment to service and his faith.  Tell him you’d like to treat him to coffee and learn more about how you can get involved or share common interests. 
  2. Notice his tie or ask him about his watch.  If he wears great shoes compliment him on his style and let him know you are taking notice. 
  3. Church is a place for fellowship so even though friendly hugs and hollow kisses are the norm; you don’t want to lay the charm on too thick.  You’ll be seeing him every Sunday so spread the attention out over a number of weeks.  It’s not like you have to zoom in on one single guy.  You can charm the socks off several guys at a time. 

Did you realize that Mr. Rights run in packs?

Sunday is a great time to observe which guys are hanging out with each other.  Married and single guys play golf together; work in the same offices; go to Men’s Prayer Groups and often know intimate details about each other.  An upstanding married man can often provide the 411 on your Mr. Right. 

Also, guys with common interests typically dress similarly, have similar physiques and purchase the same toys.  Just know that guys are very competitive.  When I see my buddies getting fit or making money; I make sure I am hitting the gym more and upping my game to keep up.  Success models success and you want to be a part of the success circle. 

Your Mr. Right Wants a Wife Like Her?

He’s watching.  His buddies’ wives are his benchmark for what he ultimately wants in a wife.  So you should watch the wives of his friends and notice the women he seems particularly interested in.  A great husband will treat his wife like royalty.  Once you catch his eye, he will target this royal treatment towards you.  Notice the wives he admires.  What type of jewelry are they wearing? Two carats? Three?  More? Are they looking haggard or are they happy? Louboutins or Payless?  Is “no hair out of place” or is it all over their heads?    Are the kids polite; is dad attentive to them.  Remember birds of a feather flock together.  Watch and learn.

Let me know how you are doing.  We’re in this together.

About Me

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Atlanta, Georgia
A former Marriage Coach, Author, Corporate Executive and Entrepreneur, Darby Thornton expouses his Christian-based philosophies to educate women on how to find true love. As a faithful husband of nearly 20 years, Darby rebukes the myth that there are not enough good men for women to marry. Feel free to review his latest book, "What A Fool Belives" and explore a comical look at the painful reality of love, betrayal, and redemption. "What A Fool Believes" can be purchased on Amazon eBooks and downloaded in an instant. Any insights you are willing to share are greatly appreciated. Also, feel free to also submit any questions that may assist you in finding true love.
